In the next few months, WhatsApp will get a new feature that might appeal to many users: Group Calls. This feature promises to set WhatsApp apart from apps like Telegram, which don’t offer group calls, but it will still be playing catch-up with the king of group calls, which of course is Skype.
This news comes straight from WABetaInfo, which is usually on the money when it comes to reporting on upcoming WhatsApp features. Although this feature has yet to surface in the beta version of WhatsApp, WABetaInfo has it on good authority that WhatsApp plans to release the feature in 2018.
Group calls represent a future investment for WhatsApp. Along with this feature, the team is focusing on bringing the Delete for Everyone feature to the full version of the app as soon as possible.
Speaking of cool features, did you know that you can create a private WhatsApp group with yourself, which you can use for all sorts of purposes? Check out how in the video below.
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